Monday, January 26, 2009

My computer, My escape, My excuse

I know I am not the only one who escapes via technology.

That said, let it be known that my husband and I are both up - it is 4:30a.m. What is wrong with us? Are we the biggest retards on the planet?

No. We have fallen a victim of "wee hour" escape. And here we sit. Me, ticking away at the keys...him? Gaming.

I am sure this is not healthy.

I want to move AWAY from this madness. I want to move toward HEALTH and all things routine and scheduled. So why why why am I typing...still.

Just convinced myself. Gotta go to bed, or shall I say, NAP. These are things to ponder in a re-read. Tonight, I have come to far....and less than a "mile to go before I sleep."

And miles to go before I slumber.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Angela is 29 and feeds stray cats....

Okay, I was just on this forum and someone introduced themselves, "Hi, I am Angela, 29. I am an Aries and feed stray cats. Single." Mind you, this was not a dating site, this was a Technology Forum. There is so much wrong with this, I don't know where to begin.

Angela, honey, I am not sure I am bothered more by the fact that

A. You are trying to find a guy on a Technology forum or
B. Feeding Stray Cats is your most marked quality

But I am sure glad to know you're an Aries. That tipped it for me - what about you, guys?

Don't let this one get away.

Weight loss - pish posh and...Brother n Laws

Losing weight was not my New Year's resolution. Though it should have been, it isn't near as motivating as moving to the beach.

If my body was a machine, it would be like a snack vending machine...where the snack gets stuck. And if I could step outside and look at myself, I would shake myself or try to rock myself back and forth wondering WHY the damn thing doesn't process fat like it used to. What the FU*K? I have asked myself this, as I look in the mirror the last 5 years.

No, I am not a Fat Ass. And I say this, because I have been dieting since we decided to move. And something about dieting more than 3 days, makes you think...I'll be damned, I think I am looking better.

Oh, there are days where I say, "WHY WHY WHY am I not in a different size!" Sure that was the second day, but still.

And of course, weight is coming off with this intense effort, but WHERE is it coming tits. Again, WHY WHY WHY? And again, if my body were a machine, I would like to be a Treadmill, where you just punch in Time and Incline. Instead, I would punch in time, and Area of Fat to target. Would that not be great!?

Why haven't doctors figured this out? Why can we remove a heart from a cadaver, and fly it cross nations, and insert it into another human being...yet, we cannot analyze fat types relating to areas of the body, and mix a little pill called TARGET. As in, Target this area.

I hate diets. BUT, for the first time in 10 years, I have lost weight. So, here is the recipe for weight loss - and this is free of charge.

1. Get off your ass.
2. Stop eating.

There ya have it.

Of course, "Get off your ass" for me, meant:

Quit my job
Get on the right Anxiety meds
Check into an Alcohol Abuse center
Quit drinking nightly
Convert from Coke to Coffee w. no fat cream
And move AWAY from the computer that I have camped at for 10 years - and pack my house up, have an estate sale, clean like a maniac

And "Stop Eating" meant stop eating.

Is that easy or what?!

The truth is, there is no quick fix to lose weight. It is a slow painful process. But my tankini awaits. And though I detest using the word TANKINI, and curse the idiot who made it up (because I swear I knew this girl and high-school...and she was a dork), I still want one....a really sporty one. So I can show off the new tattoo I haven't landed on yet.

Speaking of Tankinis, I have a brother n law that will not say any word ending in "I" or "Y" that sounds to girly. Is this an identity crisis or just something I will miss about him when he dies? My two favorite examples of this are two things he loves, but won't say. "Biggie" He won't say he wants a BIGGIE fry McDonalds. And "Dinky Doozie" - this is a cookie sold at the mall. Instead, the ordering goes like this. "And I'll have the BIG fry" or "3 of those, please."

What's wrong with him. Now THIS is 1 less thing I can worry brother n law and his hang ups.

What is it with PC gamers?

First, let me say, I do not "Game" on my PC. Second, I have never met a "Gamer" I didn't like.

In fact, I am married to a gamer. God help me.

He doesn't fit the profile. If there is a profile, that is. I personally have only uncovered a few "cool guy" gamers. The rest a different version of somebody else's cool...and fat chicks. And I use the term fat loosely, meaning anyone over thier self percieved ideal weight. Nothing against fatties. Love em.

But really, outside of the total "wanna be" masterminds of computery that work at the local soon to be extinct Curcuit City, who is on these games? LOTS!

I didn't believe it until I was exposed to the underbelly of the underworld of gaming. I am exposed nightly, actually. About 6 feet from my very stately, tre fabulous 9000 lb desk, sits my stud of a husband on a game.

This is a guy that can throw a wheel kick to knock out even the sharpest blackbelt (in person, not virtually). A blackbelt himself, this is someone who loves grappling and groundfighting. UFC ROCKS, just ask him. But by night, like a vampire hungry for blood the casket of his 52" flatscreem monitor sucks him into a world of fighting and spells.

This is Dungeons and Draggons withdraw, I am certain. Though I never played this game, my husband did. He also reads like a maniac...all these fantasy novels. He loves this shit. And I know he is not alone. There is a million people out there seeking this escape into fantasy rhelms. TOP 5 signs I know for sure....(drum roll please)

1. His fantasy books are the first to go in any garage sale.
2. His beloved Everquest character could have sold for $1000 dollars on Ebay.
3. He mentions Worlds of Warcraft detail in any good video store and has friends for life
4. He gets financial advice from his guild members...these aren't your average fatties.
5. You should see the number of people ON this game in any given wartime....who are these people.

These people are the MASSES. It must be true in any technologically advanced country, that for ever 2 people breathing, there is one playing a video game.

And if that is true, could we not think of a more creative term for them than "Gamer"? Someone really went out on a limb with that one.

Media - get with it.

To all you gamers - you know it is not just a hobby. You addicted inner techys, you know who you are. And to my husband who probably never reads my blog, because he is too busy being a winged badass with a mullet and sword in a land created by someone with unbelievable computer expertise in graphics, will we EVER have a life after 10:00 short of a National Crisis that shuts down the internet?

Oh my God. This is my life. And sadly, I have not only come to accept it. I like it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just like a Tattoo

Okay, I am not quoting Jordan Sparks tonight or anything (although her song Tattoo...I do like - and didn't she do an amazing Job singing the National Anthem today at the Cardinals Game? WOW. Way to go Jordan - and Kurt Warner. Great performances!

But, I have been thinking about getting another tattoo. The other night I rented the movie "wanted" (gotta love movies on demand) and here Angelina Jolie is with all of these tattoos. I have one tattoo. I got it before tattoos were even the thing. And it just doesn't bear weight of something I could conjure up these days. It's a lightweight tattoo, if you will.

I never regretted it, I just got it long before about 9 - 20 life altering, I affiliate it not with bad ass-ness - just naivety. I need something more meaningful.

In this movie Wanted, Jolie is a bad ass. And those tattoos, mixed with this world-traveling, confident, smart, soft mother, sexy superhero the media has created...just made me think I want another. I've become a follower, what can I say. I want to be Angelina Jolie, at the very least, one of her kids.

Now that I think of it, the media has done more for Angelina Jolie than any other person alive, outside of Obama himself. It's sickening really.

But what to get? I will consider this heavily - however I have to wonder, why now? Why after all these years would I even consider one. It really isn't Angelina Jolie...I am not that shallow, never mind the very stately way she wears them, but what is it? Ah, something else to consider heavily. Gotta go consider - ciao

Bloggin me ARSE off

I really don't have anything to say right now. For the Love of God, it's 2:49am. What do you expect me to say? How bout this...goodnight.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I never met a lawyer I liked - You?

I have dealt with a couple lawyers in my time.
  • My Ex Husbands Corporate Bankrupcy Lawyer
  • My divorce/custody Lawyer
  • This girl I knew in high school who became a lawyer... and a late blooming lesbian
  • My overachieving smalltown cousin
  • My back surgery lawyer
  • A wierd guy that lives by my parents
  • And a guy I used to date that I like even less as an adult than I did as a teen
They all sucked. I hate to generalize, but of these fantastic people I have met, here is what they all have in common and why they suck. (Now apply this...think of the Lawyers you know.)

Reason 1: Smarty Pants. They are all little Smarty's. They think they can just say whatever because they are a lawyer. But I have news for them all, it doesn't mean we understand or even like thier wierd little quirky personalities. Face It: Lawyers are not normal.

Reason 2: They are content with Judicial delays

This is one area of the American System that never really worked for me. There is absolutely no check and balance on the speed of our judicial system that I have personally seen. It is a circle of delay. It is as if they all are in cahouts with taking thier sweet time, and the slower one is, the more it benefits the other. And no agency is complaining - they are conditioned to contentment. It works for everyone, except the people.

In this day and age, where now now now is key, our legal system is 100% exempt. The following point in the Bill of Rights needs ammending.... It should not read, you have a right to a fair trial, it should read, "You have a right to a fair trial - eventually."

If lawyers were as smart as they thought they were, you think they would have figured out how to move a piece of paper a little faster. Maybe then I could smile at them and actually be thinking something to match.

Gone Baby Gone

I met a guy a couple months ago - who was buying a piece of furniture from me off Craigslits. He was in the military and pulled up in a minivan with his wife and 4 kids under the age of 7. After talking a bit, I learned that relocating alot has given them a new leash on life when it comes to furniture. They arrive in a new city, and buy what they need through Craigslist. When he gets stationed somewhere else, they sell it all on Craigslist....and move no furniture. In the new city, they Craigslist thier ass off buying furniture. I find this interesting.

I have posted all kinds of things on Craigslist, but NOTHING flies like furniture, despite markup. I challenge you. Post a piece of furniture on Craigslist if you want to sell it. And it will be Gone Baby Gone.

For the record, I also met a famous author using Craigslist. She bought a wooden chest.

Craig, I am a fan.

I am woman

Why does my husband insist on using the phrase, "Brick shit house" as in..."He was built like a brick shit house." A brick shit house? Let me just ask you, what is that? Some early 1900 Johnny on the Spot?

My husband actually has quite a few sayings that hang me up, when he is on a rant. Things like, "Holy mother of God". Oh, yes, he is always dragging the Good Lord into things. "Sweet Jesus!" or "I swear on everything Holy." or "For the love of Christ" or my personal favorite, "Jesus F-#*ing Christ." Does this strike anyone as sacrilege? I'm with ya. Did the 10 commandments NOT say not to use the Lord's name in vain? I mean, you stepped barefoot on a Lego for heaven's we have have to go straight to integrating the F-bomb as Jesus middle name?

Men are just dramatic. Say what you will...but they are.

Now, for example, my husband is looking for my purse and can't find it. He needs aspirin. He wants me to get up and look for it with him. Hmmm...

I want to ask him to buy, find and store his own aspirin going forward.
I want to see how long it takes him to find the purse probably ON the kitchen table in plain view.
I want to see how many more times he will ask me where I put it, or to help him find it.
I want to tell him he is not my child.
I want to tell him to look harder...try.
I want to roll my eyes blatantly in his face.
But I won't.
I will get up and look for it because he would do that for me.

And besides, don't need the Lords name floating around here in vain tonight. I'm going to be saying some prayers in a few minutes and I need all the holy support I can get.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


A friend told me that he took an IQ test today to compare it with an older score ... and his IQ actually went down 6 points.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol - I'm degressing

I find it hard to believe anyone DOESN'T watch this show.

For all the haters - I imagine it has something to do with it being TOO pop culture, or TOO mean, or TOO loser for anyone to chase so openly after the American Dream. May not be your dream, but let's face it - the crowds wouldn't come out if it weren't a dream of the masses.

Maybe you hate it because you just want to be different. Or...your not a music person...or you think it is staged to a very large degree...or stupid the way the hiddeous are exploited...maybe Americans just repulse you. Who knows. But if you are a hater, I have to say, I think you are lying. If you were flipping through the channels would stop. Period.

Sure, I may degress here a little from any kind of deep thought. But gotta love the show - if not for the total marketing, media efforts.

We probably all agree on Simon and Paula. So no fun talking about them really.

Then there is Randy - Come on, everyone loves Randy - well, until you see him in People Mag in white suits and patton shoes and think, "Are you serious?" If he wasn't a millionaire, WOW he would be ghetto. Also, kinda old to be hanging on to some styles hes sporting.

What do we think of the new judge? Hmmm? Need to hop on and see what the media is saying - I am open to sway - let's see if anyone can help me form an opinion...

The question is, how much time do you spend on the internet researching random crap that most people do not know. I probably bust 10 hours a week. And who even knows if it is right?

There is a fine line with education, I think. At some point, can we just know too much? I think it is possible. It is possible to torment ourselves with things we think we know. It's like people that analyize shit to death, what is the point? Men really have the upper hand in this category. I say that excluding artists. I think all artists, fine and performing have a measure of ego that over analyzes by nature - but I am talking about your avg guy. They just don't overwork it - and something about that is refreshing.

Now that I think of it, do I really need to know about this new judge? Do I care? Not really. Oh good. That is one less thing.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Economy Shomony

Sick of hearing about the economy now. You? For Christ Sakes how many articles can we read that don't contain this word. I care, but at some point, maybe monthly news would be better. Not possible, you say? Oh, I know. We are all riding Puff the magic Dragons Swinging Tail all over the world, flailing from one end to the other. (Puff would be money) Insanity.

I just believe things should be more simple. Everybody needs to lay down the entitlement club and just be still and shut the F up. (I write with Irony, as I, myself am not still and have lots to say.) Hey! that kettle is Black! (And anyone that knows that phrase, really needs to hang out with younger people - from northern states. ha)'

Here it is. America is great. Protect her. Protect the basics: Freedom, Character, Democracy. If you are not loving someone and showing it, Protecting your country and showing it, or following a dream that you simply seemed BORN with, What the hell are you doing?

Oh...let me guess, talking about the economy.

One less comment please.

A Time to Quit

I contend there is a time to quit. Was it Beatles or God that said, there is a time for every purpose under the sun. This surely includes quitting.

"Just Do It" doesn't always mean put on your Nike's. Maybe it means quit.

Well, I did it. I quit my 6 figure job and just said, F it. Just a couple weeks ago, actually. No doubt there was a little careful planning invloved, but you can only be so careful when you only have so much - after all, a bean counter with like 3 beans is just an idiot if he keeps counting them.

So - where will I go from here besides the welfare office? Well, one thing is will not end. It may end as I know it...but so be it.

We spend SO much time defending these lives of ours, don't we? But how many elements exsist that truly have impact? Internal Survey Says...

I was packing just the other day - moving to the beach. And I say to myself, "Do I really want to move this?" Some things YES, Many...No. Really suprising how few things we treasure when it's all boiled down. Yet, for years - too many years - I have been defending it all. One promotion after another and why? For who? I know the answer - ultimately for me. Yet, in turn, what was gained after about 5 years of it?

Malcom Gladwell, who wrote the very popular Tipping Point, said in a recent book "Outliers" that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to be an expert at something - Citing MANY famous examples. If that is true, maybe we need to ask ourselves, what do I spend the most time doing...or what am I pathing toward 10,000 hours in? If you don't want to be an expert at that, I contend it is time to quit.

A time to be born, a time to die. Everything in between is time spent toward expertise - in something. Maybe for you, it needs to be one less thing.

For me, I am moving on, with one less job. I quit.

If you were worried about quitting tonight, now you have one less thing.

Less is not more positive

Sometimes, more is just more. And aint that just more better? Less can be better but only in very negative instances such as Less sickness, less problems, less clutter, less nock...

Here is the deal - this blog is specifically for me to cycle through my shit, for you to read it and be enlighted - thereby providing you with ONE LESS thing to worry about - me. So, if you are reading this, you are spending way to much time on the computer...and WE are in this together.

Oh the power of a Blogger....Ah the power of One. (I guess less than one would just be power-less) But, if I were more than One, I would have to rename my blog to "2 Less Things" Just to break even...complicated and not near as catchy.