- My Ex Husbands Corporate Bankrupcy Lawyer
- My divorce/custody Lawyer
- This girl I knew in high school who became a lawyer... and a late blooming lesbian
- My overachieving smalltown cousin
- My back surgery lawyer
- A wierd guy that lives by my parents
- And a guy I used to date that I like even less as an adult than I did as a teen
Reason 1: Smarty Pants. They are all little Smarty's. They think they can just say whatever because they are a lawyer. But I have news for them all, it doesn't mean we understand or even like thier wierd little quirky personalities. Face It: Lawyers are not normal.
Reason 2: They are content with Judicial delays
This is one area of the American System that never really worked for me. There is absolutely no check and balance on the speed of our judicial system that I have personally seen. It is a circle of delay. It is as if they all are in cahouts with taking thier sweet time, and the slower one is, the more it benefits the other. And no agency is complaining - they are conditioned to contentment. It works for everyone, except the people.
In this day and age, where now now now is key, our legal system is 100% exempt. The following point in the Bill of Rights needs ammending.... It should not read, you have a right to a fair trial, it should read, "You have a right to a fair trial - eventually."
If lawyers were as smart as they thought they were, you think they would have figured out how to move a piece of paper a little faster. Maybe then I could smile at them and actually be thinking something to match.
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